This Earth Day, let’s get down to what is essential and what steps we can take to reduce our carbon footprint. Not sure exactly what a carbon footprint is? Each person leaves a carbon footprint, the amount of CO2 emissions we emit daily. For example, turning on the light switch, driving your car and charging your cell phone are all ways we emit CO2 into the atmosphere.

According to Nature.org, the average carbon footprint for a person in the United States is 16 tons, one of the highest rates in the world. Compared to the rest of the world, the average is 4 tons per person.
Why is Reducing Your Carbon Footprint Important?
People will argue different reasons why reducing your carbon footprint is essential. However, most can agree that a reduced carbon footprint can determine or change the effects of global warming and climate change. When carbon emissions are reduced, it can help provide cleaner water, air, and food for future use. Who doesn’t want that?!
Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?
There are so many ways to reduce a person’s carbon footprint. Here are a few popular and easiest ways to start reducing yours now!
Drive Less- Gas vehicle emissions are one of the most significant contributing factors to a person’s carbon footprint. Reduce the amount of gases your car releases by carpooling, riding your bike, taking public transportation, or getting a more economical vehicle. Any little bit helps!
Live Smaller, not Bigger! Are you living in a 3500-square-foot home by yourself? Smaller homes require less energy to keep warm/cool and to maintain in general. If you can afford to, reduce your home size to something more economical. Tiny homes are all the rage!
Thrifting is the way to go! Did you know that according to the 2020 McKinsey Fashion on Climate report, the fashion industry produced around 2.1 billion tons of GHG emissions in 2018, equaling 4% of the global total? So, instead of buying new, recycle those old items and purchase new ones from your local thrift store. This goes for clothing as well as home goods and furniture.
Reduce your Waste! This is a no-brainer for those wanting change. Purchase items with little to no extra packaging and bulky, unnecessary boxes. Instead of paper towels, use a washable dishcloth to clean up those spills and messes. When you have cans, glasses, or metals, don’t forget to recycle!
These are by no means the only ways to start changing the size of your impact on this planet. The ideas listed above are merely suggestions on ways to start reducing today. Baby steps are the only way to see a change and a difference. This won’t happen overnight, but with your help, it will happen!